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Clinical Psychologist, Dr RaeLynn Alvarez Wicklein, is a talented and engaging speaker who provides training and presentations across a broad range of topics.

Feedback Informed
Treatment (FIT) & Deliberate Practice (DP)

Vulnerability in

Service Delivery in Organisations

Women & Mental Health

Professional Issues


Feedback in Treatment

  • Creating Impact: Four Pillars of Private Psychology Practice (Frankcom, K, Chow, D., Frost, A., Wicklein, R., & Castelli, N.; in progress)

  • Between the Therapist and FIT: Making Sustainable Practice Achievable (e-book)

  • Deliberate Practice and Feedback Informed Treatment Supervision Groups (Wicklein, R & Frankcom, K.)

  • Next Steps in FIT (Wicklein, R. & Frankcom, K.)

    • FIT Basics

    • Collecting & Analysing Data

    • Aggregated Data

    • FIT Deliberate Practice

  • Practice? I thought I was done training! - A Deliberate Practice workshop​

  • How to start using Feedback in Treatment

  • Revitalising FIT in the Workplace

  • Therapeutic Alliance in psychological interventions

  • Becoming a Supershrink? Is it possible? (Wicklein, R. & Matjacic, E.)

  • Using Technology in FIT

Vulnerability in Supervision

  • The Things that Help: Surviving the Registrar Program (e-book) 

  • Inviting Vulnerability in Supervision and Coaching

  • Power in Supervision: A Relational Cultural Approach

  • Supervision of Supervision: Creating a group where  supervisors can be powerfully vulnerable (Wicklein, R. & White, J.)

  • Super-Vision: Supervising the super-mum (and anyone with caring responsibilities) returning to work (Wicklein, R., Bull, J & White, J.)

  • Daring Leadership in Supervision Groups

  • Therapist Mothers & Step-Mothers: Stories from the Frontline (Wicklein, R., et al.)

  • How to become a supervisor (Wicklein, R. & Gridley, H.)


Service Delivery in Organisations

  • Implementing Feedback Informed Treatment Services

  • Creating the Service Delivery Model for Your Agency

  • Client Directed Outcome Informed work in tertiary counselling services

  • Improving Effectiveness in Service Delivery in a Counselling Service

  • Trainees in Tertiary Counselling Services

  • Teambuilding and Team Enhancement

Professional Issues

  • Improving Therapeutic Effectiveness (FIT)

  • Implementing Individualised Learning Plans (Deliberate Practice)

  • Professional Burnout: Prevention & Management

  • Ethics in psychotherapy

  • How to start running Groups

  • Group ethics & dynamics

  • Risk Assessment

  • Boundaries in Therapy

  • Record Keeping

  • Collaborative Goal Setting with Clients

  • So You Want a Job in Psychotherapy?

  • Getting Started as Women in Psychology

  • Narrative Therapist at Play: How to avoid burnout

  • Working with children, adolescents, families, couples, and parents

Service Delivery

Women & Mental Health

  • Transcultural Case Conceptualisation: Are women and girls from another culture?

  • Findings on Feminism, Happiness, & Discourse on women's bodies

  • Acculturation and Internalisation of Body Ideals Among Mexican American Women

  • Latinas in the United States: Implications of cultural body image and attractiveness ideals

  • Health at every size and Feminist approaches to working with Women with Eating and Body Image Issues (Crafti, N. & Wicklein, R.)

  • Social Construction of Eating Disorders


I have had the pleasure of presenting numerous times at these conferences over the years:


APS Annual Conference


APS Congress


APS Women and Psychology Annual Conference


APS College of Counselling Psychologists Conference


Person Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy & Counseling Conference

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RaeLynn has worked with ...

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© 2021 by River City Reflections   Photography by 1, 3, 5 JR Korpa, 2 Dewang Gupta @ Unsplash

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